Koala Kumal (2016) DVDRip Full Movie Terbaru
Title: Koala Kumal 2016
Class: Comedy, ComingSoon, Drama, Romance
Rating: IMDB: 8.2/10 96 votes
Chief: Raditya Dika
Players: Acha Septriasa, Raditya Dika, Sheryl Sheinafia
Nation: Indonesia
Indonesian comic drama motion picture titled "Koala Kumal" This is a film adjustment of the book by the same title is additionally the work of Raditya Dika. This film recounts the tale of Dika (Raditya Dika) which must be gutted and fizzled marriage with his better half Andrea (Acha Septriasa) as Andrea undertaking with another man named James (Nino Fernandez). As a result of this, Dika inconvenience to compose the last section of his book, until one when Dika met with Trisna (Sheryl Sheinafia) a young lady that is exceptional and makes the perspectives Dika will be distinctive this world. Trisna attempting to help Dika to escape inconvenience and a broken heart, and in the long run both got comfortable. Proposals Trisna against Dika is to render retribution against Andrea in light of the fact that Dika hard to complete the last part of a book he composed. Dika needed to discard everything that has recollections of Andrea. Would it be vengeance against Andrea Dika who have menyelingkuhi him ??